About 5 years ago, I sat down with my daughter, Aaliyah, to make vision boards for the new year. We made a big deal out of cutting pictures to put on our poster boards. I remember she had an actual picture of a horse on hers! Bless her heart!
On my board, I carefully arranged the words "Award Winning" above my Salon name, which is called Sankofa Creations Spalon. On January 11, 2020, those words manifested themselves as a reality in my life! I received an award of BEST HAIR SALON by the BEST Society, which honors African American Entrepreneurial excellence in Jacksonville Florida. I was so thankful and grateful (and nervous) I could barely get through my thank you speech!
It was an amazing feeling to be recognized for creating a holistic space of wellness for my clients and the community & to have this vision come to life.

The words on my vision board about being an award winning entity did not dawn on me until I was lying in bed that evening. There in the stillness of my room, I was reminded of another magical instances of where I had written a vision for my life and it had come to pass.
When I was born on an early February morning, my mother didn't make it to the hospital in time . She ended up giving birth to me on the brown flower patterned living room couch in an apartment on Paris Avenue in North Jacksonville, with the assistance of firemen. From there, I was transported to the hospital and given a clean bill of health.
I loved to hear the unique story of my grand entrance into the world and so I would ask to hear it over and over again. The word Paris would linger in the air long after the story was told. One day, I decided it would be my destiny to go to Paris, France.
I took French in high school and began filling my mind with images of French culture, cuisine and of course, images of the Eiffel Tower. One day, I wrote in my journal how amazing it felt to be in Paris and eating fresh croissants and touring the city. I even drew a little stick figure of me standing underneath the Eiffel.
And then one day...

On July 11, 2019, I arrived in Paris, France full of excitement and wonder to be in a place I had only seen in pictures or on T.V. I must have been too excited because for two days, I was speaking Spanish to the French people instead of using the 2+ years of French I know. 🤦🏾♀️🤣
And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads itHabakkuk 2:2
Writing down your vision, meditating on it and seeing it with your mind is key for it to come to pass. The daily practice of this exercise actually accelerates the achievement of your dreams and goals! Brain studies show that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as the very action of it!*
When I‘m ready to create new realities in my life- My go-to is to get out my journal and start writing, in present tense, as if it’s already done! I employ all the senses and describe in great detail, how it feels, looks, tastes, sounds and smells like to walk in this manifestation. And do you know, by the time I’m done writing the literal fantasy- I’m excited and grateful to have it. I don’t know about you but it’s amazing that we can utilize these gifts to envision new worlds for ourselves.
What new visions are aching to be birthed within you?? Have you started visualizing them and then writing them down in great detail? Have you prayed about a new direction or for radical changes to take place in your life? Today, I want you to take out a piece of paper or grab a new page in your journal and WRITE YOUR VISION for what you want to accomplish in this lifetime. For real, for real- do it to now!
Can we make a deal?
When the visions come to pass, do you promise me you will tell me all about it??! I mean, I want to hear all the excitement about the moment too, so don’t hold back.
I‘m celebrating with you in advance!! 🥂
ps. While we are on the subject of vision, in this 2020 new year, tune in on Saturday Jan 18 from 9-10 to join Naturally Konnected powered by The Plug on Praise 107.9 with some exciting guests as they dive into Praying and Preparing for your life’s 20/20 vision.