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Hot Pursuit

Writer's picture: LaDonna P. MixonLaDonna P. Mixon

Updated: May 29, 2020

Are you a believer of the statement “It’s already done?”


This statement is based on the inherent understanding that everything we need to create the life we desire is already present.



Ready for us to accept and activate.

But activation comes with a variation of the word I used in the first sentence that makes all the difference.


Are You A Believer?

Believing in your self is one of the most important actions you can do to be successful in life. Sure, we all deal with insecurities, uncertainty and fear of failure but the one thing that separates all those things from success in any area, is my technique of pushing past petty (😉) or in simpler terms, shifting your belief in yourself.

It starts with seeing yourself destined for greater and pushing past self imposed limitations that have attached themselves to you... because you allowed them to.

I get it, I do.

I’ve allowed those same limitations to overstay their welcome a time or two (or dozen) in my life. But you know what I had to do to remove them?

I had to begin the work of evicting anything that did not serve my growth and success. Like outdated wallpaper, I tore down anything attached to my soul that kept me playing small.

I want that for you, too. I see your light and I want it to infuse it’s goodness in every area of your life.

So do me a favor and let’s donkey kick (🤣) everything taking up negative space in your mind about who you are what you were created to be.

Spinning in Circles

One day about 4 years ago, I drove home from my business in a fog. When I got closer to my neighborhood, I was filled with sadness and negative thoughts began to fill the spaces of my mind. My clients were so energizing. We had so much fun and laughs there but on the long drive home, I was reminded of the friction that existed at my address. The arguing. The silent treatment. I felt so sad about the disconnection. How could I have such a successful business but my home life was a whole mess?!

Before I realized it, I passed the exit to enter the subdivision and kept driving... and driving until I realized I had driven a complete 30 mile radius into another a whole ‘nother county. I was driving in circles literally: physically and mentally- looping negative thoughts that fueled all the reasons why I felt like a complete failure. I pulled over at the sign for a state park and sat in the car and allowed myself to cry my eyes out. I allowed all of those debilitating emotions to find their way out of my soul and empty out. And then, I pulled down the mirror and faced myself, eyes all puffy and swollen and lifted my head.

I told the woman staring back in the mirror that she was so amazing. She wasn’t helpless nor should she feel powerless. She was going to get through this. I took her through a recap of her inner strength and made her aware of how many lives she helped and made a difference in, even in a struggling marriage. I built her up with words of encouragement and affirmation and with each word, it began to light a fire inside of her. Once cold embers began to gather strength all because of the power of the life affirming spoken words.

I made a commitment on that day to find and connect with my inner authority. To be in hot pursuit of my divine nature and walk in confidence with my soul‘s purpose.

You Have a Choice

In that car, I could have kept driving myself around in circles of misery. But I didn’t. I made a choice to stop and recalibrate. I allowed the pent up frustrations to be released like a faucet. And then once I was emptied, I began to fill my mind up with words that were in alignment with my true identity. I watered my soul with the life activating words of power that lifted me to where my spirit man already lives.

We all have moments like this. And in those moments, I can tell you from my experience, it is so helpful to have encouragement along the way, even if the encouragement has to first start with yourself.

Experience Something Different

This is why I created a 21 day journaling experience challenge based on my second book Pursuing Purpose: A 21 Day Devotional to Triumph. This challenge is to help reframe your belief about who you are and your unique offering to the world. It takes 21 days to develop a new habit and this experience is a collection of the self discovery tools I used to help me get clarity on the purpose that already exists in my life.

Your Turn

It is your turn to make a choice. Would you rather be in hot pursuit of your soul’s purpose and find success there or would you want to keep circling the block paved with fear with out aim or intention?

It is time for you to answer the call to live in the vastness of your purpose.

During the 21 day journaling challenge, I will personally walk you through the experience with daily mini videos and quick journaling prompts. We will have short action items that will be supported in a private group community. With my help you will explore the areas of purpose that already exist in your life and begin to align with your inner compass.

The path to purpose begins with the journey to self discovery.

Let’s take the first steps together. We begin step one in just a few days.



LaDonna PM


© 2020 LaDonnaPM

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