I was driving down A1A yesterday listening to a long lost playlist that featured a song I first heard in a coffee shop ( Dawes - Feed The Fire).

I instantly smiled. I mean I was cruising, wind whipping my bun, sun just a shining and me just a cheesing and singing to the top of my lungs . 😂
Days like yesterday felt personal.

I can remember the drives where I didn’t even hear any words… just the silence in my soul wondering when I had become so…disconnected.
Feeding the fire of your soul feels like pausing to remember all the reasons to smile.
All the reasons to give thanks in spite of. All the reasons to be present with nature.
All the reasons to be still and offer your prayers and offerings to the mighty waters and listen for the sweet acceptance of peace.

All the reasons why all of who you are matters… not just to you but to everyone you encounter.
They get the fruit of your connection to The Most High.
They get to bask in your beautiful light and feel God.
Now, ain’t that something to smile about? 😊