I adore this photo of young Bessie Norris. The simplistic beauty of youth juxtaposed in cultural splendor and elegance.
Laid to rest today, I imagine her anchored in peace with love by the many who gathered in remembrance of a timeless treasure. Them/us completely inspired by a dash well lived and full of purpose. ♥️
I’m reminded of a poem a friend shared with me recently during our new moon circle, by author Rumi. As I reflect on the grand circle of death and rebirth the line that strikes my heart Is “when was I less by dying?” Can you feel the enormity of this divine design? We are no less loved, cherished and esteemed. So much more than mortal minds can comprehend. Our journey is an infinite loop of transcendence.
I died as mineral and became a plant, I died as plant and rose to animal, I died as animal and I was human, Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die human, To soar with angels blessed above. And when I sacrifice my angel soul I shall become what no mind ever conceived.
As a human, I will die once more, Reborn, I will with the angels soar. And when I let my angel body go, I shall be more than mortal mind can know.
Rumi Jalal ad'Din
What will you make of your dash? How will you embrace death to self and become reborn in your imaginings? How will you release what serves no more and bring life to new visions ?
What does a dash filled with purpose mean to you, right now?
Please share in the comments and give voice to your souls deepest calling...
{Photo by Gilles Petard/Redfern. Betty Wright, circa 1973)